
Plugins can be used to extend reveal.js with additional functionality. To make use of a plugin, you'll need to do two things:

  1. Include the plugin script in the document. (Some plugins may require styles as well.)
  2. Tell reveal.js about the plugin by including it in the plugins array when initializing.

Here's an example:

<script src="plugin/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
plugins: [ RevealMarkdown ]

If you're using ES modules, we also provide module exports for all built-in plugins:

<script type="module">
import Reveal from 'dist/reveal.esm.js';
import Markdown from 'plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js';
plugins: [ Markdown ]

Built-in Plugins

A few common plugins which add support for Markdown, code highlighting and speaker notes are included in our default presentation boilerplate.

These plugins are distributed together with the reveal.js repo. Here's a complete list of all built-in plugins.

RevealHighlightSyntax highlighted code.
RevealMarkdownWrite content using Markdown.
RevealSearchPress CTRL+Shift+F to search slide content.
RevealNotesShow a speaker view in a separate window.
RevealMathRender math equations.
RevealZoomAlt+click to zoom in on elements (CTRL+click in Linux).

All of the above are available as ES modules if you swap .js for .esm.js.


We provide API methods for checking which plugins that are currently registered. It's also possible to retrieve a reference to any registered plugin instance if you want to manually call a method on them.

import Reveal from 'dist/reveal.esm.js';
import Markdown from 'plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js';
import Highlight from 'plugin/highlight/highlight.esm.js';

Reveal.initialize({ plugins: [ Markdown, Highlight ] });

Reveal.hasPlugin( 'markdown' )
// true

Reveal.getPlugin( 'markdown' )
// { id: "markdown", init: ... }

// {
// markdown: { id: "markdown", init: ... },
// highlight: { id: "highlight", init: ... }
// }

Dependencies 4.0.0

This functionality is left in for backwards compatibility but has been deprecated as of reveal.js 4.0.0. In older versions we used a built-in dependency loader to load plugins. We moved away from this because how scripts are best loaded and bundled may vary greatly depending on use case. If you need to load a dependency, include it using a <script defer> tag instead.

Dependencies are loaded in the order they appear.

dependencies: [
{ src: 'plugin/markdown/markdown.js', condition: () => {
return !!document.querySelector([data-markdown]);
} },
{ src: 'plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true }

The following properties are available for each dependency object:

  • src: Path to the script to load
  • async: [optional] Flags if the script should load after reveal.js has started, defaults to false
  • callback: [optional] Function to execute when the script has loaded
  • condition: [optional] Function which must return true for the script to be loaded